Want to sell more?

Accelerate Average Shopper Spending Per Visit

This is How

Retailers who focus on offering an engaging shopping experience are able to differentiate themselves from price-focused competitors, achieve higher traffic, increase average spend per visit, and boost sales per square foot to improve their profit margin. Consistent and ongoing in-store product demos have emerged as a powerful tool for engaging shoppers and driving sales. The cost is largely born by product vendors, and the economic impact is easily measurable.

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Empower your vendors to spend more promotional funding with your stores

That is how we work with our retail partners.


Our in-store demo management portal helps vendors request product demonstrations at their convenience without disrupting your employees or business operations.


We train the portal to enforce the rules of your stores and ensure that all vendor requests comply with your guidelines and policies.


We invite hundreds of vendors who currently utilize our portals to sponsor their in-store demos in your stores.


Together with your buyers and category managers, we will work to encourage more of your vendors to pay for additional product demos in your stores.


We can build a team of well-trained brand ambassadors to support your vendors, but they are free to use their own personnel.


We train and support brand ambassadors to ensure they know the products being demonstrated and submit demo reports for your category manager's review and analysis.


The portal automatically coordinates communications and carries out all activities.

Host MORE in store demos with LESS effort.

With Demo Wizard, our in store sampling, product demo & retail marketing (management) software, you can run regular product promotions and sampling events. When you partner with us, you can specify the available space and time for in store demos and let vendors request events they want to sponsor without interrupting your regular employees.

We will notify hundreds of product vendors, and you will start getting relevant demo requests for your approval.

Product vendors and brand managers fund 3 times more demos in stores that use our Demo Wizard software.

Demo Wizard online workflow matches retail stores, product vendors, and available Brand Ambassadors in a fraction of the time you spend now and suggests acceptable dates and times for the product demos. Product vendors love our platform because it takes them less than a minute to request and schedule a demo event. Over 94% of the requests are approved within 48 hours and the requests that are declined are tagged with the reason and suggested corrections.

Our software uses automated workflows to ensure that demo events in multiple stores, for multiple sponsors, at multiple dates, times, and locations within each store run efficiently without a glitch.

Our automated platform coordinates all communications among involved parties responsible for the production of a flawless event, tracks and confirms progress, generate reports, and facilitates inventory management as well as billing.

Partner with us and start getting more product demo requests.

Less Planning, More Selling: Book Now!

Research indicates that retailers who deliver better customer experience
not only get more sales but also free word of mouth publicity:

Unified View of the Demo Schedule: Organizing in store demos requires coordination with multiple people. Our retail marketing software synchronizes host (retail store), vendor (sponsor), and brand ambassador calendars effortlessly, enabling a flawless store sampling event.

Feature-rich demo management solution: Retailers retain complete control over who, when, and where schedules demo events. You can open your in-store sampling availability calendar to product vendors, event management companies, in-store demo companies, and independent brand ambassadors OR you can limit it to product vendors who use only your store-designated and approved brand ambassadors based on your policies and preferences.

Scheduling preferences: Multiple demo stations can be managed per store, allowing you to schedule demo slots in preferred time periods at multiple locations in your store.

Revenue from staffed demos: Retailers can generate additional revenue by charging vendors the full cost of a completely managed and professionally staffed in store demo.

Event Promotion: We facilitate the promotion of upcoming demos on social media and retailer websites to invite customers to experience the promoted products.

No more no-shows: Our platform, Demo Wizard, requires product vendors to pay a small commitment fee for a demo request to avoid no-shows and last-minute cancellations.

Payment Management: The software automates payment management of vendor commitment fees and demo services performed by in-house brand ambassadors or designated demo companies.

Our automated workflow dramatically reduces the risk of cancellation due to inadequate inventory.

Reports & Analytics: Our retail strategy marketing software provides automated reporting for brand ambassadors and store personnel to track the sales and experiences of customers. The reports provide insightful analytics for retail managers and product owners.

Our demo scheduling retail marketing (management) software for in-store sampling and promotional events offers a comprehensive solution and helps you win the retail marketing game.

Beat the competition, by choosing a proven retail marketing solution. Engage your store guests and deliver delightful customer experiences through well managed in store demos.

Download The Power of In-Store Engagement e-book